Campus Days April ‘24

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People of all ages and walks of life come to Charis searching for freedom and the truth of who God is and who they are in Him. Thousands of students around the world are experiencing life transformation at Charis Bible College, and Campus Days is the best opportunity for you to experience what it’s like to be a Charis student. Are you ready for a change in your life?

Hear from one of our Year 2 students at Charis, Mandy McNulty:

“I was doing all the right things, but I didn't know how much God really loved me. I grew up in a Christian home and went to church. But for me, it wasn't a personal relationship with the Lord, it was obligations. It was religion and serving and giving. I wasn't able just to talk to the Lord myself. I really struggled with that throughout my life. It was difficult for me to get into the Word and to spend time with God because I really didn't have a clear understanding of who He is, and how good He is and how much He loves me. I didn't know He wanted to have a personal relationship with me.

When I came to Charis, my life was transformed. I started realizing that I can have a relationship with the Lord, that it's not religion, it's not obligations. I love Him and I know He loves me, and He wants to speak to me. It's more than just knowledge. I know in my heart that He's so pleased with me even if I never did another thing for Him. I knew I wanted to come to Charis, but I didn't know what that would look like. I came to Campus Days and the Lord ministered to me even more - with divine appointments and meeting lifelong friends. My relationship with God has gone to a deeper level and through Charis He has completely transformed my life. I know this is where He has me and it's the best decision I've ever made.”

At Campus Days you will experience transformational teaching and worship that will inspire you and help you navigate your future. You will encounter our student community of like-minded believers, tour our state-of-the-art facilities with breathtaking mountain views, and explore Woodland Park and Colorado Springs. 

This year we are introducing an exciting new feature – The Student Hub. There will be events, activities, and opportunities for you to get connected with our vibrant community of believers and build life-long friendships.