Financial Breakthroughs V2

Volume 2 DVD Album

Financial Breakthroughs Volume 2

Do you feel like the odds are stacked against you? Are you buried in debt, struggling to survive, or feeling the negative effects of the economy? If so, these six stories are for you.

  • Travis and Blake had a lawn business that nearly destroyed their family. Against the odds, God gave them both a new company and a renewed marriage.
  • Colin and April started a commercial real estate business in the middle of the 2008 recession. Against the odds, their company is now leading the industry.
  • Charis students Steve and Anna struggled to find a house in Colorado within their budget. Against the odds, God gave them their dream home.
  • J Brazelton lost her job, marriage, and home when the housing market crashed. Against the odds, she became a successful homebuilder.
  • Judy Rhodes was buried in debt at an age when most people retire. Against the odds, God grew her small business into a prosperous retail location.
  • Judy Knox could barely make her mortgage payments. Against the odds, she became so wealthy that she gave one of her homes away.

The testimonies on this DVD will inspire you to believe God for His supernatural provision and direction. What He’s done for them, He can do for you. Against the odds, you too can live in prosperity.

Other teachings in this series