Destiny Stories Volume 3


In this video, you will hear the true stories of seven ordinary people whose lives were completely transformed in the pursuit of their destinies. What does it look like to trust the Lord with all your heart?

The following stories are a reminder that no matter how we have been blindsided by sudden changes, God sees the big picture and will chart our course to victory!

This DVD contains the following testimonies:

  • The Oberraths spent many years in New Age and Eastern Mysticism. Then they attended Charis Bible College to renew their minds. Little did they know that this short time at Charis would set them on a path to make disciples amoung the poor and homeless in Durham, North Carolina.
  • Successful media executive John Rand did not want to be a missionary but while on his Charis mission trip, God spoke a career-changing word to his heart.
  • The Farbers missed God when they prematurely left Charis to become full-time missionaries. Returning to the States defeated, they found that God had not abandoned them. Instead, He strengthened them and led them on a path to change the nation of Haiti.
  • The Oylers had three small children when God surprised them with a missionary call to Nepal; a nation where making Christian disciples is illegal. This is a story of how Charis helped one family trust God for protection against earthquakes, martyrdom and imprisonment.