The Power of Faith Filled Words

5 CDs

God created the world with faith-filled words. He demonstrated that words have the power to create and that creation responds to words. If you can understand that, it will change your life.


The Creative Power of Words
God created the world with faith-filled words. He demonstrated that words have the power to create and that creation responds to words. If you can understand that, it will change your life.

Mixing Faith with God's Word
Some people speak and nothing happens. Others speak and their world changes. What's the difference; could it be that some have forgotten to add the substance of Faith?

Put God's Word in Your Heart
Many think of God's Word like a philosophy, a parable, or principles to live by. Few realize that every word contains the power of God and it's waiting to be released by anyone who will plant it in their heart. Learn more.

Words Change the Natural World
Jesus cursed the fig tree and then it withered and died. Why, because faith-filled words can affect the natural world. If that ever becomes revelation to you, what might change in your world?

Speak to the Mountain about God
Are you going to speak to God about your mountain or are you going to speak to your mountain about God? Whether that mountain is financial, physical, or something else; be sure and answer that question first.

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